As part of our involvement in Stroke Prevention week we were fortunate to have Dr Claire Muller, Consultant Neurologist present to our staff on the latest in stroke detection and management.
You will notice a number of promotions around the facility next week advocate the F.A.S.T. protocol for identifying if someone is having a stroke.
F FACE – Has the face or mouth drooped on one side?
A ARMS – Can they lift both arms?
S SPEECH – Is speech slurred? Does the person understand you?
T TIME – This is critical. If you see these signs call 000 straight away.
Dr Muller suggested we also add B.E. to the acronym – so BE FAST.
B BALANCE – Loss of balance, prolonged dizziness or an unexplained fall.
E EYES – Loss of vision or sudden blurred vision, decreased vision in one or both eyes
Sometimes these symptoms disappear within a short time, such as a few minutes. When this happens, it may be a transient ischaemic attack (TIA). After a TIA, your risk of stroke is higher. A TIA is a warning that you may have a stroke and an opportunity to prevent this from happening. If this occurs you need to seek urgent medical attention.