The Heartbeat Handbook: Monthly Chapters Exploring Heart Health and Challenges

April 2, 2024
Imagine your heart as the main character in a compelling tale. Think of it as a powerful engine in a car. When it works, you know it works. When it doesn’t, you are...

Chronic disease – incidence, impact and the role of physical activity

February 26, 2024
Chronic disease is a global epidemic, described as the public health challenge of the 21st century. In developed countries health resources are struggling to meet the demand of those suffering from conditions that...

Staying safe and steady: how to reduce the risk of falls

November 5, 2023
Staying safe and steady: how to reduce the risk of falls Falls and fall-related injuries are common for older adults, with approximately 30% of adults 60 years of age or older falling each...

The Fear of Carbohydrates

August 14, 2023
Fear of Carbohydrates The fear of carbohydrates or “carbs” is a relatively common dietary concern. It typically stems from the belief that consuming carbohydrates will lead to weight gain or other negative health...

Chronic pain – Where the body meets the brain

July 24, 2023
Chronic pain - Where the body meets the brain Rebecca Tweedy, Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, and Brad McGregor, Accredited Exercise Physiologist, join forces to present on the topic of chronic pain. Rebecca Tweedy delves...