What if you could change the trajectory of your journey?
Exercise is vital to your Healthy Living journey. We understand exercise can be physically and emotionally challenging when you are dealing with chronic disease, weight issues, fatigue, or are recovering from an injury. We also understand that not everyone enjoys exercise (yet!) and gym equipment and weights can be intimidating for many. Sound like you? Then UQ Healthy Living is the perfect place to start or continue your friendship with fitness.
View the Group Exercise Session Schedule here.
Standard Classes
Provide moderate support for highly independent participants in a group setting.
These sessions offer you an opportunity to undertake your Personal Exercise Program.
Unlike a gym, a qualified Exercise Physiologist or Physiotherapist will attend the floor at all times to answer your questions and offer support where required.
Our state-of-the-art HUR Fitness Equipment is simple to use and can track your progress as well as altering machines to your prescribed posture and resistance. Simply attach your HUR wrist band, tap on, and get started.
This user-friendly, world-leading technology is suitable for all fitness levels, with low starting loads of 100gm to ensure safe workouts no matter what your current capability.
These machines also employ pneumatic air resistance matched to the body’s natural muscular movement to reduce the risk of injury.
The HUR SmartZone incorporates wristband technology to automatically apply your prescribed resistance to network linked exercise machines. It provides a full body workout and collects data for a client’s electronic record.
Session numbers are capped to ensure equipment is easily shared.
Access a regular schedule of Healthy Living Sessions.
An alternative to your personal program, follow a circuit of varied exercises in short intervals, under the instruction of a qualified Exercise Physiologist or Physiotherapist. A great way to have fun, engage with others, strengthen a range of muscle groups and improve your cardiovascular health.
Access a regular schedule of Circuit Classes.
Supported Exercise (Category 1)
Supported exercise sessions provide an elevated level of support to aid recovery from serious illness, injury, or extended periods of inactivity.
Follow your personal program in a smaller session size to allow for greater EP support where required.
Intensive Specialty Programs (Category 2)
Provides intensive support for higher needs clients in smaller groups and/or with increased clinical attention. Clients may progress to Category 1 classes; or remain in Category 2 long term to ensure appropriate support.
Follow your Personal Exercise Program in highly supported, intensive sessions. We can monitor your blood sugar levels, blood pressure and heart rate. An experienced Cardiac Nurse and Exercise Physiologist or Physiotherapist will be on hand to ensure your safety and guide your progress.
Offering a highly supportive environment this session has a strong focus on falls prevention. Reduce your risk of trips and slips, boost your stability and build confidence as you follow your personal program with the support of an Exercise Physiologist or Physiotherapist.